Our beers

A little trip into the history... A little trip into the history...

A little trip into the history...

The old brewery in Hlučín has been affected by fire several times since its foundation in 1526. While at the beginning of the 20th century the brewing industry in the Czech, Moravian, Silesian and Prussian countries was flourishing, the brewery in Hlučín was closed without compensation.

For many decades, the building remained an unsightly torso that was an eyesore in the city centre. It was not until the early 1990s that local entrepreneur Leonard Plaček decided to rebuild the brewery and restore the brewing tradition in Hlučín. The elegant establishment with its own restaurant was built in a relatively short time and in the summer of 1993 it produced its first batch of eleven-step Hlučínský Ležák. The beer had a delicious taste, slid easily down the throat and smelled of a combination of German and Žatec hops. The further history of the beer shrine could have been smooth if it had been established a good hundred years earlier. By the end of the 20th century, the brewing industry was no longer as idyllic as in Hrabal's Postřižiny, when the brewmaster and his charming consort rode around on motorcycles to restaurants and checked the quality of their draught.


Just cooked

What is top-fermented beer?

What is top-fermented beer?

Top-fermented beers are produced at temperatures of around 15-20 °C using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae subsp. cerevisiae or by spontaneous fermentation with the help of lactic or acetic bacteria. It is used to produce all top-fermented wheat beers. A common problem with top-fermentation is the association of yeasts with bacteria from the ambient air, which has historically prevented the use of this method in summer. Today, it is technically possible to control the temperature and ambient atmosphere artificially, making it possible to use top-fermentation all year round. This has resulted in the revival of the method in the present day.
Black Earl

Black Earl

Dark Lager

More about beer
What are the types of top-fermented beers?

What are the types of top-fermented beers?

Belgická Pšeničná piva – V Belgii mu říkají bière blanche / witbier – bílé pivo. Jedná se o pšeničné pivo s obsahem cca 45 % pšenice. Nejrozšířenější belgické bílé pivo se vyrábí ve městě Hoegaarden. Některé druhy obsahují i oves. Do jiných se přidává směs pomerančové kůry, koriandru a dalšího koření. Pije se lehce chlazené – cca 9 stupňů Celsia. Berlínská pšeničná piva – Berliner Weisse. Typické berlínské pšeničné pivo, s obsahem pšenice cca 30 %; má nakyslou chuť, nízký obsah alkoholu a je velmi osvěžující. V poslední době se míchá s různými příchutěmi.
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